The biggest reward for the smallest amount of hiking

That’s sacrilege, right? I mean, the journey is the destination.
That’s true. And it’s also true that sometimes you find yourself in the City Different on a beautiful day, with a small window of time before you need to be somewhere. And that small window is also your best window to hike all weekend.
When that happened to me Saturday, I was armed.
A while back, I’d seen a gorgeous photo of a hike at Sun Mountain by Twitter user @virtualdavis. When I looked up the hike, I was even more intrigued. That view could be had for just 1.8 miles roundtrip.
The first thing I noticed when we hit the trailhead at 1:20 p.m.: the bluest sky I had ever seen, which, in New Mexico, is saying something.
The second thing I noticed: the panoramic view over Santa Fe started almost immediately. It was unbroken throughout the hike.
The third thing I noticed: You know how you get a killer view in less than a mile, right? A lot of climbing. 700 feet in 0.9 miles.
We didn’t quite make the summit. We were running out of time, it was wicked hot and I’m a slow hiker (several folks, including a fellow a good 30 years older than me, made the summit and passed us on the return while I was still tackling the climb.)
Taking a breather on a pink granite ledge below the summit, we looked out over the Jemez Mountains, Tetilla Peak and the forested hills surrounding Santa Fe.
It was its own reward. I knew there was no need to burn myself out to make the summit. Still, I was sad all the way down the mountain, even as I soaked up the last of the incredible vistas.

I have a hard time not thinking of any hike that’s less than or different from what I envisioned myself doing as a failure. But in nature, there are plenty of reasons for a trip to be less than or different from what you envisioned – and sometimes no alternatives to it.
So I practice.
So far, even my most disappointing hikes – way more disappointing than a summit near-miss – beat the heck out of not being on the trail.
Hike length: 1.8 miles (or, if you’re in journey-as-destination mode, make it part of a 5-mile loop)
Difficulty: Moderate
Elevation gain: 700 feet
Trail traffic: You won’t be alone, but it’s not mobbed
Wildlife spotted: Rabbit, ravens, blue jay, butterflies, lizard


From the trailhead, the goal is clear.
Bluest sky ever.


Tetilla Peak at left, Jemez Mountains at right
Trail rising to summit on left
Pink granite everywhere

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