Hoodoos, hoodoos, hoodoos, hoodoos, hoodoos, hoodoos, hoodoos

There’s a famous episode of “The Wire” where Detectives Bunk and McNulty say only variations on one word – the F-word – for an entire scene, in many different ways.

I thought about doing something like that with the word “hoodoo” for my post about hiking Hoodoo Pines in the Ojito Wilderness. But it doesn’t work without intonation.

So, instead, here are the many faces of the Ojito hoodoos, in pictures. (For the uninitiated, Merriam-Webster defines a hoodoo as “a natural column of rock in Western North America often in fantastic form.” Word.)


Hike length: 2.6 miles

Difficulty: easy-moderate

Trail traffic: moderate

Wildlife spotted: red-tailed hawk, crow, cow


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