Sometimes, you have to go to where it all begins. In Albuquerque, this is that spot.

Everything has to start somewhere.

The South Crest Trail, the hiking spine of the Sandia Mountains, starts at the Canyon Estates trailhead in Tijeras. The North Crest Trail ends at Tunnel Spring in Placitas 26 miles north.

I’ve hiked both the northern and southern extremes of the trail, and covered some ground in the middle, too.

Starting at the trailhead of the South Crest Trail on a weekend, your first landmark is a travertine cave with a tiny natural spring spilling over it.


On a beautiful day like today, it’s overrun with families trying to corral their kids.

You sure are prepared,” said a little boy, looking at my hiking poles.

“I’m going to try to go a long way,” I told him.

Then the Crest Trail climb begins, and the big groups with kids fall away.

The trail switchbacks up from Hondo Canyon, yielding views of the surrounding foothills and San Pedro Mountain. The sun beams down on the lower part of the trail, but cool shade spells it the higher you climb. On a day like today, with a southwest wind gusting to 40 miles an hour below, the mountain shields you from the wind’s worst.


The first time I hiked these switchbacks, they were covered with ice. That climb was glacial. The 1,000-foot elevation gain was plenty challenging enough today in the sun. It’s the classic climb where blue sky peeks through and you’re sure you’re almost there; then, that experience repeats itself over and over as you huff and puff.

At the top at last, we quickly found a group of rocks to rest on, sun warming our backs.


When we stepped onto the shaded Upper Faulty Trail, the afternoon had changed. The sun had fallen enough that we were chasing it instead of seeking respite from it.

Upper Faulty and Faulty Trails flirt with views for the length of this beautiful loop, teasing us with glimpses of the Ortiz, San Pedro and Manzano mountains. While Upper Faulty rolls gently, Faulty plunges, sending feet scrabbling on loose rock.


We arrived back at the Crest Trail, and the cave, in the late afternoon. There wasn’t a soul there.

We finished the last mile of the trail where it all begins in quiet, setting sun rippling over the foothills.

Hike length: 5.7 miles

Difficulty: moderate

Trail traffic: moderate

Wildlife spotted: mountain bluebird, butterflies, nuthatch