Winter hiking challenge accepted at Three Gun Spring


The runner passes us on his way up the mountain and again on his way down. He embodies grace as he descends. His toes seem to hover just above the earth.

My journey doesn’t look so pretty.

The black diamond section of Three Gun Spring Trail begins about two-thirds of the way up. I’m already gasping for breath, my quads taxed to the limit. The upper half of the trail boasts many 45-degree slopes and few landings.

My resolve to keep a steady pace melts like the snow from the trail’s south-facing slopes. But I keep moving, one foot above the other.

On a long, endless incline, I think I just can’t make it to the overlook at the top of this section today. But I remember this incline. I felt the exact same way the last time I was at this spot, and then realized I was almost at the overlook.



We push on. The desert on either side of the trail gives way to a light snow cover. I know I’m close, close enough to make it. The junction where several trails meet appears.

I look out gratefully over Tijeras Canyon. We started the hike under brilliant sun, which kept me warm on the climb up, even in 40-degree weather. But a blanket of cloud cover has moved in from the south. A dark cloud levitates over the Manzanos like an otherworldly craft.




A raven caws high above, then shifts to a call that sounds like water dripping in a cave.

I know the trail gets easier above this junction, and I’m not done exploring.


Hike length: 6.8 miles

Difficulty: difficult

Trail traffic: light-moderate

Wildlife spotted/heard: bluejays, ravens, dark-eyed juncos, spotted towhee

Baseball glove rock

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