Sunlight and glitter at the Ojo Caliente mica mine


Glitter shimmers in the dark.
It’s flakes of mica, sparkling in the stillness of a cave.

Miners once hewed mica out of this rock. Its jagged crystalline edges still poke from the ceiling.
These three caves once comprised part of Joseph’s Mine in the hills outside Ojo Caliente. We’ve reached it on an old two-mile dirt track from the Ojo resort.
We knew we were close when the rocks started to shimmer. The caves appeared high on a hillside, the slopes around them seeming to glitter.


Mica flakes litter the floor of the hollow beneath the caves. Rose quartz, mica, shale and more mingle.




From the caves, we clamber back to the two-track. A steep trail from it leads to an overlook above the caves. Mountains on the horizon show off their fresh topcoat of snow.


A bigger hill beckons. But the resort doesn’t recommend going further; the footing’s precarious, the topography confusing.
We head back, leaving the overlook’s chill behind. It’s below freezing and we can see our breath, but the sun-soaked hills insulate us.
Bobcat and elk tracks mark the road.
This is just a glimpse of what those long-ago miners must have seen out here.

Hike length: 4 miles, plus one for detours and exploring
Difficulty: moderate
Trail traffic: none
Wildlife spotted: blue jays, raven
TIP: This is the most sunbaked hike I have ever taken. It was 25 degrees when we started, but I was very warm almost the entire time. Even under my giant hat, the sun was an intense presence. I recommend this hike in winter. You could go really early if you want to avoid the most intense midday rays, but be prepared: Ojo winter mornings are extremely cold.

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