The Manzanitas’ collected works

Things that might happen to you in the Manzanita Mountains:

In the 2:30 p.m. heat of the trail, you turn and see 8 p.m. on the ridge you just descended. Rain or shine, blankets of cloud spread over the Manzanitas, striping the ridges with shadow.


You hear an exultant whoop and hop off the trail to your right, expecting a mountain bike to bear down on you. The Manzanitas’ dozens of trails cater to mountain bikers and that’s mainly what they attract. You look everywhere, but you never see the exuberant biker, although you continue to hear him holler.

You choose to ascend one of the steep, rocky trails with little shade – say, Birdhouse Ridge – on any sunny day when the temperature’s above 65. Your I-can’t-wait-for-this-hike-to-end monologue unspools in your head as Tunnel Canyon and Highway 337 unspool below you.


Why did I do this today? My legs hurt and I’m tired from staying out late dancing last night. My knee hurts. I’m going to blow out my knee. I’m too old to do all the things I want to. I’ve waited for this hike all week and now I’m a mess. I’m sad.

You finally gain the ridge, the wind blows, the land levels out and the monologue stills.








You hike down to the overlook about a mile from the Tunnel Canyon trailhead. Most mountain bikers roll right past it. You have to travel at two miles an hour to spot it. It’s just off the trail, a landing of huge lichen-colored rocks, perfect for snacking and watching the shadow show. Nobody’s ever there.



Your husband takes off his shoes and socks. You think about how good it would feel to do the same. You never take your shoes and socks off during a hike, unless you’re fording a body of water, because you’ll just have to put them on again.

Screw it. The rock’s cool and your feet are hot.

You set them free.


Hike length: 5.8 miles

Difficulty: moderate

Wildlife spotted: butterflies, mountain chickadees, sparrows, kingbird, vultures, lizard, grasshoppers, canyon towhee

Trail traffic: moderate