Tree Springs Trail: the coolest place around (if you can stay upright)

We step into gale force wind.

The first time I stood on this spot, I understood every bumpy plane ride I’d had over the Sandias on a clear day.

The overlook at the top of Tree Springs Trail provides one of the best panoramas you’ll find of Albuquerque. And, like many a bare rock ledge at 9,500 feet elevation, it gets a daily whipping from the wind.


Tucked under a tree, we found enough stillness to eat a snack and soak up the sun. My husband explored a rocky promontory we often check out, but the footing’s a little precarious, so I didn’t chance it. Gusts had me listing even when taking a photo well back from the ledge.

Tree Springs Trail traverses high-elevation meadows and ridges, mostly in the shade of fir and spruce, with an occasional sunny climb. It’s a haven for wildflowers, hikers and dogs. Today we witnessed a first: four guys on fat-tire unicycles.

Fossil in the limestone

We usually flee to Tree Springs when the mercury nears 100 in the valley. Today, unseasonably cool in Albuquerque, felt even more spectacular up here: the temperature on the trail never climbed above 70, and a cool breeze bathed the trail. A brief windstorm had blown away two nights of heavy smoke from Arizona’s Woodbury Fire, leaving fierce blue skies behind.

We capped off our hike with a detour on a side path of Oso Corredor Trail to check out more wildflowers.



I don’t know how the Duke City managed to steal this day from early May, but I sure am glad it did.

And, as always, grateful that we didn’t blow away up there.

Hike length: 4 miles, plus side trip

Difficulty: moderate

Trail traffic: popular

Wildlife spotted/heard: vulture, flicker, butterflies, caterpillar, cicadas



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