Life and death at Gutierrez Canyon Open Space

Shadow plays down the ridge. We await its transformation.

The Gutierrez Canyon Open Space overlook bakes in the afternoon sun. My husband lies on the rock. I tell him he looks like he’s on a funeral pyre.


Shade. One could nap on the pyre now. I recline on rock, monsoon breeze cooling me, and consider it. Huge puzzle piece clouds slide over, lock into each other.


Guadalupe and Mosca Peaks stand bruise-blue on the horizon. The hue communicates the rain we can’t see.





Narrow trails twist through pinon and juniper spiked with moss and lichen. A handful of crows bleat furiously as we pass. My husband suspects a predator nearby, maybe a bobcat. When we pass back by, the crows crank a new symphony. Maybe it’s us they’re protesting.

Something’s been about, though. A rabbit, recently bloodied, lies dead on the trail, a warning.

We pass no one, see nothing but life and death.

Hike length: 5 miles

Difficulty: moderate

Trail traffic: none

Wildlife spotted/heard: beetles, butterflies, hummingbirds, crows, hawk, nuthatch, sparrows, striped and spotted lizards, dead rabbit

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