Everything shows its true colors at Manzano Open Space

South Sandia Peak stands rust red, dusted with white.

I’ve stared up at the South Peak so many times, from so many places. I would never have described it as red.

To see that requires being in the right place at the right time.

Early afternoon, late fall, atop an unnamed peak in Manzano Open Space.

Red ridge on the Sandias at 10 o’clock; snowy San Pedro Mountains on horizon

Rugged paths ramble through Tijeras Canyon, overlapping with Route 66 Open Space. I-40’s white noise rumbles by.

The steep climb up to the peak delivers a 360-degree view: the south Sandias, the rumpled canyon, the high plains rolling south, Mount Taylor with a solid cap of snow on the distant horizon.

From different vantage points this rock looks like an anvil, a bear, a bike helmet and Trump’s hairdo.


Wind blows stronger up there. Snow covered the canyon two days ago, but it’s clear and dry below 8,000 feet. I soak up sun on a shielded boulder.

The boulders balance enormous against enormous. We climb down to get a closer look at one, covered with lime-green lichen, that must weigh three tons.

A mere corner of the boulder that ate Tijeras Canyon

We hike out to a knoll to look over the canyon. Mountain bluebirds spring brilliant from the junipers.


A wrong turn on the way down dead-ends at a rusted, bullet-riddled truck chassis buried in the sand. Stumps of seatbelt remain.


Both man and nature have shaped this rugged land on Albuquerque’s eastern flank.

Hike length: 5.5 miles

Difficulty: moderate

Trail traffic: light

Wildlife spotted/heard: blue jays, robins, mountain bluebirds, crows, grasshoppers

TIPS: Like last week’s hike, I recommend this one for November-March. It’s shadeless and looks very rattlesnake-friendly.

People have clearly partied out here; a few trails had quite a bit of broken glass. Watch where you step or ride.

Thanks to the Albuquerque Senior Center for posting a great description of this route!

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