Sulphur Canyon + Faulty Trail

It’s 102 degrees at 1:30 p.m. This hike, 15 days ago, was the last time I felt cool.


Hike length: 5.5 miles

Difficulty: moderate

Wildlife spotted/heard: butterflies, including swallowtails; hummingbirds; canyon towhees; flycatchers; downy woodpecker; lizards; caterpillar; blue jays

Trail traffic: moderate

4 Replies to “Sulphur Canyon + Faulty Trail”

  1. I love your blog! I am also a hiker in Albuquerque and I so look forward to your posts to get ideas for my next hike! I also appreciate that you take the time to share your thoughts while hiking, because I feel like our time in nature is so much more philosophical than hiking guides would suggest. Thank you for doing what you do!


      1. Of course! I feel like I’m following in your footsteps sometimes! I was just home in Michigan enjoying the great outdoors there-I did 10K, Osha and Ellis a couple days ago and thought I was going to die because I’d lost all of my altitude tolerance!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m sure it’s a beautiful time of year to be in Michigan! I know what you mean about the altitude tolerance – I’ve been right here, but I didn’t hike for a couple of months and I could definitely feel the difference when I got back on the trail!


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