Winter solstice at Golden Open Space

Rust and purple underfoot, cut with white.

Snow doesn’t last long in the sun-baked hills of Golden Open Space. But north-facing hills haven’t yet cast off their last blanket. A few icy spots in the shade of a juniper’s twist dot the trail.

We climb the mesa on the far side of the Arroyo Seco and keep going out to a point. When we’re in these multicolored sandstone canyons, they’re eye-popping. “Tortured,” my husband calls the rock.

But from up here, hues meld and deepen: watercolor, mostly peach.

We chase the sun, our longest hike of the year on its shortest day.

Hike length: 8 miles

Difficulty: moderate

Trail traffic: light

Creatures seen/heard: blue jays, crows, ravens

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