Bosque del Apache: abundance/lack



desert meet

thorn you into being

why here


do we make this work

there’s bobcat

scat everywhere

10,000 wingbeats

in a turquoise sky

mountains that ran

out of mountaintop

and just quit

bipeds in 4Runners

crunch the auto tour

craning at

wild turkeys

dinosaurs crossing the road

how close is safe

how far can we get

when can we do it again

Hike: Elmendorf Trail + Marsh Overlook Trail + Boardwalk Trail + Sparrow Trail, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge

Hike length: 7 miles

Difficulty: easy

Trail traffic: light

Creatures seen/heard: great blue heron, downy woodpecker, ravens, crows, red-tailed hawks, Northern harrier, mule deer, lizard, sandhill cranes, snow geese, Canada geese, ducks, Northern flicker, Western meadowlark, wild turkeys, kestrels, spotted towhee, fox sparrow

February, Tijeras

when the sun


punch you in the face


thank you sun

thank you wind

may i have another

Hike: Coyote Trail-FR 462 loop

Hike length: 7 miles

Difficulty: moderate

Trail traffic: very light

Creatures spotted/heard: cottontail, squirrel, gray vireos, blue jays, pinyon jays, Northern flicker, crows, ravens, robin, Say’s phoebe, nuthatches