Spring worship, Barro Canyon

Wind lashes


cathedral. Silver needles

rain down. Blue

peeks through solemn

shadow. Bootpath

down the center aisle, snow

halfway to

your knees. Through

stained glass windows,

a hot, flat land

you wandered 40

sunblazed days, a river

without enough left

to part.

Jaychoir squawks

at each step.

Gust tosses

one tall trunk.

It squeaks, sways,

tests faith.

Below, cross yourself,

emerge blinking

into sunlight,

the service


before your eyes.

Hike: North Mystery Trail at Barro Canyon, 3-27-21

Hike length: 3+ miles

Difficulty: moderate

Trail traffic: none

Creatures spotted/heard: jays, crows, chickadees

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