Only: Tecolote Trail

Only a few patches of snow on the trail at 8,500 feet.

Only 10 a.m. and it’s 65 degrees.

Only a hint of moisture on the breeze. Even that’s a mirage – a red flag warning begins soon.

Only a couple weeks into spring, and winter recedes into memory, faster than ever.

Hike: Tecolote Trail + Balsam Glade Nature Trail, 4-5-21

Hike length: 4 miles

Difficulty: moderate

Trail traffic: very light

Creatures seen/heard: chipmunks, vultures, crows, pinyon jays, Stellar’s jay, spotted towhees, dark-eyed junco, butterflies, squirrels

Remaining snow on north-facing slopes near Sandia Peak Ski Area, from Balsam Glade Nature Trail
Madera Canyon overlook, Balsam Glade Nature Trail

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