Another Earth Day poem about a river

There will always be

a Mylar balloon

in the frame

of the floodplain,

broken glass,

power lines,

a bulldozer.

We crop them out

for the ‘gram

but they hover

just over

our tilted shoulders.

The world reshapes

around and with us.

It always has.

Rabbits in spring

leap from a tangle

of branches and empties.

Egret sidles up to a dam,

side-eyes it.

Hard to tell

what’s appreciation

and what’s disdain.

A floodtide

that reshapes

who holds power

and how

would do so much more

than another day

to bag up

beer bottles

though we will never

run out of

things to carry away

Hike: Calabacillas Arroyo, Rio Grande

Length: 4 miles

Difficulty: easy

Trail traffic: very light

Creatures seen/heard: lizards, butterflies, cottontail, crows, hawks, ducks, geese, egrets, black-capped chickadee, finches, flycatchers

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